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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Tezpur University
Upcoming Events:
1. IEEE EDS Mini Colloquium, March 8, 2024 (Distinguished speakers from India & Abroad) :: Flyer coming soon
2. International Conference on Devices, Sensors and Systems (CoDSS) 2024, ECE, TU
3. IEEE Int Conf on Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), Aug 14- 16, 2023, California, USA
4. IEEE Int Conference 2023 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC 2023),
June 10, 2023: Mr. Ankit Chakusaru Deori and Mr. Arnab Ratna Pawe (B.Tech graduating student) of our group received the "Bipin
Dhekial Phukan Memorial Award 2023", Best project in ECE. Their thesis topic was "Design of Multi-level Cell NAND
Memory Array based on FeFET".
Feb. 9, 2022: Links for video lectures in the Webinar series on Electronic Devices and Systems, Jan 31 – Feb. 4, 2022, organized by
Dept. of ECE, TU are here. Video Links
Sep 11, 2021: Our paper published in Advanced Material (2020) is nature-indexed.
May 22, 2021: Best paper award for the paper "An SOI n-p-n Double Gate TFET for Low Power Applications” authored by D. Deb, R. Goswami, R. K. Baruah, K. Kandpal, and R. Saha at IEEE DevIC 2021 conference, Kolkata, May 20, 2021.
May 6, 2021: An Indian patent “INTELLIGENT HELMET SYSTEM” is granted. Inventors: Ratul K. Baruah, Amit Kumar, Saurav Dutta, Surajit Paul. Description: If a two-wheeler rider does not put on the helmet or drunken the bike will not start. Even, if the rider removes his/her helmet on its ride, the bike will stop automatically. The system consumes optimized power.
March 2, 2021: ONE DAY WEBINAR on "MICRO/ NANO ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND SENSORS [MiNaDS 2021] organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Tezpur University, India.
YouTube link:
Dec 30, 2020: Trinayan's (M.Tech ELDT 2019 pass out) work "Validation and Implementation of a Smart Flood Surveillance System Based on Wireless Sensor Network" will be presented at MNDCS 2021, NIT Silchar. This was a nice piece of work.
Many things as aimed could not be competed because of the pandemic though.
Nov 26, 2020: Collaboration work with a team from Purdue University, MIT, USA and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent
Systems, Germany is presented at ICEE 2020 conference held at IIT Delhi on Nov 26, 2020.
Oct 23, 2020: Our work on Spiderweb electronic application is covered by ScienceDaily, USA along with other science news agencies.
Sep 19, 2020: In the news: Tezpur University collaborates with AdaptNET programme for climate smart crops programme-for-climate-smart-crops-501872?infinitescroll=1
Sep 8, 2020: One of the research articles of Dr. Baruah as one of the first authors is accepted for publication in "Advanced Material" journal (IF: 27.396). This is one of the first (/probably the first ) electronic application of a fractal web. The article will on online soon.
Jul 26, 2020: Albert and Trinayan successfully defended their M.Tech thesis.
June 8, 2020: My recent work published in "Science Advances" has been Nature indexed. Media coverage of our work:
Apr. 18, 2020: Dear students: pls submit your assignments only at this email id "" with the subject
line Assign no x_BTech/Mtech x sem_Roll no x
Mar. 18, 2020: The department of ECE is selected for DST FIST II project (2019-2024) through which the
the department will procure industry-standard necessary simulation tools relating to device simulation
(TCAD), circuit simulation (Cadence/Mentor Graphics), digital circuit simulation tool, back-end VLSI
circuit, and layout design tool, COMSOL Multiphysics, etc. (For more details pls contact Dr. B. Mondal)
Mar. 17, 2020: One work involving Dr. Baruah is published in Science Advances. He was responsible for mechanical
modeling of the work. Here is the link
Feb. 20, 2020: Dr. Baruah visited Italy, Greece, and Hyderabad to attend 4 workshops on Smart crops of India
during Jan-Feb 2020.
[Outreach Programe]: Role of teachers in inspiring scientific temper among students emphasized Link
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